Concept of Android SP and DP

  Let's learn android sp & Spi and dp & Dpi concept in android training Chandigarh

Android training in chandigarh

Firstly we have to know about what is the role of sp and spi in android and what is its working

Sp : Sp full form is scale independent pixels. Sp is basically for measuring process it is used for scale independent pixels process and it’s also used for scaling the user’s font size preference.Basically in android phones there are lot of features available to fit the font sizes according to phone density. Sp is one of them. It is used to fit the font size according to  phone density and user preferences.

Sp take the text size of the device, Say 100sp text can occupies 80% of screen or 100% of screen depending on the font size set in device.

Now we will discuss about the dp what the difference between sp and dp with android training in chandigarh.


dp : dp full form is density independent Pixels - it's an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. It is basically used to express layout dimensions.
Note: The compiler accepts both dip and dp, though dp is more consistent with sp.

Uses of dp in android application development :

Following are the some of the uses which are very important to know for making an efficient android application :
  1. Application when it preserves the physical size achieves “density independence” (from the user’s point of view) of user interface elements
  2. It should  displayed on screens with different densities.
  3. it's get responsive according phone screen size basically these all concept are used to measure dimension pixels size
  4. The image should look the same size for example image could not be able to enlarged or shrinked in different types of screens.
  5. dp never change in a device takes that device density

See the difference between px, dp and sp on different screen sizes.

Android training in Chandigarh

Density independent pixel(dp or dip)
It allows the designer to create some desirable commitments related to application development  that appear in  expected way. It does not  matter the resolution,density or pixels of target device
How these concept will helpful to become an android developer with android training in Chandigarh?
CBitss Technologies training programmes are designed is to provide with an active and relevant learning experience. CBitss provides the best android training in chandigarh including all the relevant concept which are required for the real world to become an android developer.These concept are not practical form and also not in thoroughly language and its a fast growing institute in Chandigarh and mentors in CBitss are dedicated for students development and growth so that they can get desirable job in easy manner with their knowledge.

  • Open source – Free development platform  
  • Built in components can be improved
  • Built in services like GPS,SQL Database, browser and maps  Management of process life cycle  
  • High quality graphics and sound  Portability across current and future hardware
  • Component-based architecture and reusable, replaceable modules  
  • Multi-layer isolation of programs


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