Android DDMS Concept

Android training in Chandigarh

Learning a DDMS with  Android training in Chandigarh  ?

Android  DDMS Dalvik debug monitor services is a debugging tool called (DDMS).  In this article we will cover with android training in Chandigarh:
I) what is the advantages of DDMS?
II) How DDMS works?
III) Advantages of DDMS:
iv) Use of DDMS

Advantages of DDMS :   Following are the some of advantages of DDMS

i) DDMS provides port-forwarding services.
ii)  Incoming call and SMS spoofing, location data spoofing, and more.
iii) Process.
iv) Radio state information.
v) Thread and heap information on the device.
vi) Logcat.

vii)Screen capture on the device.
Android training Chandigarh

What is the use of DDMS ?  

Using DDMS tool we can
  1. We can  simulate GPS location also using DDMS tool
  2. We can see logs in logical tool which is the part of DDMS.
  3. We can stimulate calls and SMS
  4. We can see thread allocation and memory allocation running in phone and emulator
How DDMS works ?

To use DDMS open the perspective DDMS : go to
Window->Open Perspective->Other, DDMS

Android training Chandigarh sector 34

Android Training in Chandigarh

Android training in Chandigarh Sector 34

How Android training in Chandigarh with CBitss will help you in making live app on app store and play store?

CBitss Technologies training methodology to transferring knowledge is constantly reviewed and updated. Our training programmes are designed to provide candidates with an active and relevant learning experience.At CBitss, we believe Training is Success in Progress.CBitss Technologies provides the Android Training in Chandigarh and Android training emerge as passion for new generation IT professionals because android mobile application development is extremely in demand
CBitss rolled out with a quick Quizzing Session, followed by the hackathon event where the students polished their art of coding. Later, the students learned how to face the interview panel.


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