Object oriented concept for Android Development

OOP’s Concepts of Java which is  helpful while learning android with android training in Chandigarh

Android Training in Chandigarh


What is OOP’s Concept ?

OOP’s Concept are those which is helpful for object oriented programming language. Android and java both are object oriented programming language. Object oriented programming language is that which overcome the problem of C and C++ language it also have some more features which are useful for making dynamic website according to the user needs. Object programing language use old procedural language programming and also add on some other features into it.

Basically when we started learning with Android training in Chandigarh  we have to know about the basic java to make an dynamic and efficient Application.

IN OOP’s concept we have to know about the feature for it. Following are the features of OOP’s

  1. OBJECT : In Real world we take an object as Thing and in programming also we take an object as a “thing” or anything which is surrounding us is an object. Object can be a table chair, person. It’s an instant of class.
      For Example : A student is an object which have various attributes which include student  
      Name, student address, student roll number all things related to student.

     2. CLASS :  Class is type of objects. It is blueprints of objects. Classes is composed of  object   which include all things a name, attributes and operations of objects. It is simply a representation of objects.

For Example : Classes is an instance of object when we start any program it always starts with classes like student is the class name

public class employee

Android Training In Chandigarh

Following are the some concepts or features and techniques which are used in java coding :

  1. Encapsulation
  2. Abstraction
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Message Passing

  1. Encapsulation : Encapsulation is the feature of OOP’s language. It include or encapsulates all the feature, methods, attribute and properties to give the intended functionality to other classes. It include all the properties and functionality of specific classes.. There are several techniques  which are linked to each other which are as follows.

    I. Aggregation 
     II.   Composition
      III.   Association

     2.  Abstraction : Abstraction is the term which is used to abstract all the essential feature to the user without knowing about the internal feature for that like while operating ATM machine, user know all the external features but does not know about the internal working of ATM. He/She just know the external term and condition not internal.

For Example: when a user watch the TV. He/she does not know the internal feature of TV but only know the external feature of that that how to operate the remote and its functions.

3. Inheritance : Inheritance is the another feature of OOP’s. It means like in real life  child inherited the feature of parent class in the same way inheritance works the child class inherit the features of parent class. Types of inheritance are:

  1. Single inheritance
  2. Multiple Inheritance
  3. Multilevel Inheritance

Android Training in Chandigarh Sector 34

How Android training in Chandigarh with CBitss will help you to become an Android Developer?

Android training in Chandigarh emerge as passion for new generation IT professionals because
android mobile application development is extremely in demands.CBitss Technologies is the fast growing institute in Chandigarh.  We believe Training is Success in Progress.Android course really feel student about Corporate world so that they comes to know about Industry terms and conditions.We are CBitss Technologies , which is a unit of Sukrala IT Services Pvt. Ltd. company and it is ISO 9001:2008 certified company which provide best Android training  in Chandigarh Sector 34.

Concept of Android SP and DP

  Let's learn android sp & Spi and dp & Dpi concept in android training Chandigarh

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Firstly we have to know about what is the role of sp and spi in android and what is its working

Sp : Sp full form is scale independent pixels. Sp is basically for measuring process it is used for scale independent pixels process and it’s also used for scaling the user’s font size preference.Basically in android phones there are lot of features available to fit the font sizes according to phone density. Sp is one of them. It is used to fit the font size according to  phone density and user preferences.

Sp take the text size of the device, Say 100sp text can occupies 80% of screen or 100% of screen depending on the font size set in device.

Now we will discuss about the dp what the difference between sp and dp with android training in chandigarh.


dp : dp full form is density independent Pixels - it's an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. It is basically used to express layout dimensions.
Note: The compiler accepts both dip and dp, though dp is more consistent with sp.

Uses of dp in android application development :

Following are the some of the uses which are very important to know for making an efficient android application :
  1. Application when it preserves the physical size achieves “density independence” (from the user’s point of view) of user interface elements
  2. It should  displayed on screens with different densities.
  3. it's get responsive according phone screen size basically these all concept are used to measure dimension pixels size
  4. The image should look the same size for example image could not be able to enlarged or shrinked in different types of screens.
  5. dp never change in a device takes that device density

See the difference between px, dp and sp on different screen sizes.

Android training in Chandigarh

Density independent pixel(dp or dip)
It allows the designer to create some desirable commitments related to application development  that appear in  expected way. It does not  matter the resolution,density or pixels of target device
How these concept will helpful to become an android developer with android training in Chandigarh?
CBitss Technologies training programmes are designed is to provide with an active and relevant learning experience. CBitss provides the best android training in chandigarh including all the relevant concept which are required for the real world to become an android developer.These concept are not practical form and also not in thoroughly language and its a fast growing institute in Chandigarh and mentors in CBitss are dedicated for students development and growth so that they can get desirable job in easy manner with their knowledge.

  • Open source – Free development platform  
  • Built in components can be improved
  • Built in services like GPS,SQL Database, browser and maps  Management of process life cycle  
  • High quality graphics and sound  Portability across current and future hardware
  • Component-based architecture and reusable, replaceable modules  
  • Multi-layer isolation of programs

Android DDMS Concept

Android training in Chandigarh

Learning a DDMS with  Android training in Chandigarh  ?

Android  DDMS Dalvik debug monitor services is a debugging tool called (DDMS).  In this article we will cover with android training in Chandigarh:
I) what is the advantages of DDMS?
II) How DDMS works?
III) Advantages of DDMS:
iv) Use of DDMS

Advantages of DDMS :   Following are the some of advantages of DDMS

i) DDMS provides port-forwarding services.
ii)  Incoming call and SMS spoofing, location data spoofing, and more.
iii) Process.
iv) Radio state information.
v) Thread and heap information on the device.
vi) Logcat.

vii)Screen capture on the device.
Android training Chandigarh

What is the use of DDMS ?  

Using DDMS tool we can
  1. We can  simulate GPS location also using DDMS tool
  2. We can see logs in logical tool which is the part of DDMS.
  3. We can stimulate calls and SMS
  4. We can see thread allocation and memory allocation running in phone and emulator
How DDMS works ?

To use DDMS open the perspective DDMS : go to
Window->Open Perspective->Other, DDMS

Android training Chandigarh sector 34

Android Training in Chandigarh

Android training in Chandigarh Sector 34

How Android training in Chandigarh with CBitss will help you in making live app on app store and play store?

CBitss Technologies training methodology to transferring knowledge is constantly reviewed and updated. Our training programmes are designed to provide candidates with an active and relevant learning experience.At CBitss, we believe Training is Success in Progress.CBitss Technologies provides the Android Training in Chandigarh and Android training emerge as passion for new generation IT professionals because android mobile application development is extremely in demand
CBitss rolled out with a quick Quizzing Session, followed by the hackathon event where the students polished their art of coding. Later, the students learned how to face the interview panel.

Android Styles and Themes

Android training Chandigarh sector 34

Learning a concept of Styles and themes in Android with Android Training Chandigarh

Styles and themes in Android:

Style: Firstly, we will discuss styles with Android training Chandigarh.

  • A style is a collection of attributes that specify the look and format for a View or window. A style resource defines the format and look for a UI.
  • A style can be applied as different attributes like padding, font size, font color, background color, height and more.
  • A style is referred in an XML resource that is separate from the XML that display the layout.

Depending on the attribute,  You can use values with the following resource in an <item> element:
  • Fraction
  • Dimension
  • Integer
  • Float
  • String
  • Color
  • Boolean

Style Attributes

Now after learning about the definition of style now we will focus on understanding the concept of what kind of style attributes—defined by the <item> element—are available with Android training Chandigarh.The attributes that is applied to a specific View are pointed in the corresponding class reference, under XML attributes. All the attributes pointed in the table of TextView XML attributes can be used in a style definition for a   one of its subclasses or text view. One of the attributes that is listed in the reference is
Android: InputType, So where you might normally place the android : inputType attribute in an <EditText> elements

Applying Styles and Themes to the UI with Android Training Chandigarh

There are lots of  ways to set a style:

  • To apply the style to the UI first we have to add the style attribute to a View element in the XML for your layout to an individual view.
  • Then,  The next step we have to follow by adding the style resource identifier to a constructor to an individual view. This is available for apps that target.
  • To a whole activity or app, by adding the android: theme attribute to the <activity> or <application> element in the Android manifest.
When you apply a style to a single View in the layout, the attributes defined by the style are applied only to that View.Only the element to which you directly apply the style applies its attributes.  If a style applied to a View Groups, the child View elements don't inherit the style attributes; However, you can apply a style so that it applies to all View elements—by applying the style as a theme.
To make a style definition as a theme, you must have to apply the style to an Activity or app in the Android manifest.

Android training Chandigarh

Discussing  how Android training Chandigarh will help you to become an Android developer

These concepts which are in theoretical form will be discussed with Android training Chandigarh. Android has huge demands IT background. As technology is changing at very vast scale every day and Daily new Android phones are launching day by day and Android developers demands is increasing in IT Companies and MNC’s. Android training Chandigarh with CBitss is best option to join as here all mentors are MNC’s experience and huge knowledge. If a candidate gives his full dedication and hard work android training Chandigarh with Cbitss will help you in placing in a reported companies.